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Songs:    More Like Jesus: ;

Same God: ;



Readings: Matthew 6:5-15; Ephesians 6:18; Psalm 32; Matthew 26:36-46


Confession of Sins (1 John 1:6-9)

  • Sins of thought, word, deed (Lord have mercy)

  • Make me more like Jesus



Relationship with Christ (John 4:21-26)

  • Ann Marie

  • Heart for the lost

  • Great commission passion



Families (Ephesians 5:22-6:4)

  • Healthy, God ordained and blessed

  • Parental leadership of children

  • Children honoring parents

  • Foster families

  • Heather and Katie Neil

  • Safety for those who travel

  • ​


Health struggles  (James 5:13-16)

  • Kay Holmes

  • Donna Lahrke

  • Vigil (friend of Ron Webb fighting for life)

  • Darci (wisdom and discernment regarding medical decisions, Ashton (Mike and Dana’s grandson), Chad (Lisa’s friend)

  • Liz, Duncan and their boys (friends of Narissa). Liz is undergoing treatment for stage 4 cancer(health, family, coping with stress, managing financial concerns, etc.)

  • ​


Job issues  (Ecclesiastes 3:22)

  • To know and answer God’s call in the workplace

  • For useful employment

  • Ability to endure through hardship and hostile environment

  • Godly employers and employees



Grieving  (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

  • For peace and a knowledge of the Resurrection

  • Support and encouragement

  • Nancy Wright, death of husband

  • Gerald Grimm, death of wife



Loneliness and feeling of abandonment  (Joshua 1:9)

  • Depression



Stress and Anxiety  (Isaiah 35:4)

  • Preparations for Revive Fest

  • Building project progress and wise decisions 

  • Financial support



World Events  (Matthew 24:7; 1 Timothy 2:1-4)

  • Earthquake in Turkey

  • Conflict in the Ukraine

  • Malawi during the hungry season

  • Rulers and government leaders (World Leaders: US-Biden, Canada-Trudeau, Mexico-Obrador, UK-Sunak, France-Macron, Turkey-Erdogan, Ukraine-Zelenskyy, Russia-Putin, Germany-Scholz, China-Xi, N.Korea-Jong-un, Japan-Kishida, Iran-Khamedei, Israel-Netanyahu, India-Modi, Pakistan-Sharif, Australia-Albanese, Brazil-Lula)



Pregnant mothers and the unborn  (Psalm 139:13-16)

  • Pregnancy Helpline Centers (Three Rivers, Sturgis)

  • Prolife Advocacy groups (National Right to Life, Lutherans for Life)

  • Elizabeth Brazeal and baby (on bed rest)



Education  (Ephesians 4:11-16)

  • Godly teachers and mentors

  • That teachers may use their gift to build up others

  • Godly examples and instruction

  • Students ready to learn and well behaved

  • Truth over opinions



Strong faith  (Genesis 12:1-8)

  • Zeal for prayer

  • Deep dive into God’s Word

  • Overcoming doubt

  • More Like Jesus



Against the enemy (Ephesians 6:10-18)

  • For the devil to be thwarted at every turn

  • Helmet of Salvation (Have the mind of Christ)

  • Breastplate of Righteousness (heart and feelings)

  • Belt of Truth (lies and false teachings)

  • Shield of Faith (attacks against character and purpose)

  • Feat fitted with the readiness of the Gospel (go where sent)

  • Sword of the Spirit (God’s Word)



Praise God  (Psalm 103)

  • Attributes of God (Omnipresence, all powerful, all knowing, merciful, loving, faithful, good, etc.)

  • Creation (Smallest to greatest)

  • New Life in Christ

  • Life in the Spirit


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