Join us for worship
Sunday @ 10 AM
Man Law Day
Man Law Day: A day filled with all things MANLY.... hatchet throwing, chain saw cutting contests, knife throwing, skeet shooting and archery are just some of the activities that have been traditional to Man Law Day! A hearty man size meal is always an important part too!
At Man Law Day, we focus on not only entertaining manly activities, but more importantly, great emphasis is placed on God's call to be strong spiritual leaders. Dads, grandpas, sons, uncles, nephews. grandsons.... you won't want to miss this!
Man Law Day is an annual event every September, stay tuned for our 2024 date!

Live Nativity

The Live Nativity is an event we hold each year in December!
Come listen to the Christmas story, decorate cookies, enjoy Christmas lights and create a Christmas craft.
Stay tuned for our 2024 date!
Easter Egg Hunt
Our free community Easter Egg Hunt is held each year around Easter weekend!
We feature four age groups, with a new age group starting every 15 minutes. This way, all kids, little to big get a chance to find eggs and parents are able to watch all children hunt.
Stay tuned for our 2025 date!